Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Annexation of Hawaii

This political cartoon is about the Annexation of Hawaii. The reason the U.S. wanted Hawaii was to gain territory in the U.S. and to acquire more raw materials. The raw material was sugar cane. They also wanted Hawaii because of their military station. This military station was Fort Sumter. Unfortunately, Hawaii did not agree to become part of the U.S.'s territory, but we didn't like that.We forced Hawaii against their will to join us and since that day, Hawaii lost their Independence. The cartoonist's message was that states should not be forced against their will, and that they should have their own right to be Independent. The cartoonist used symbolism because Uncle Sam is making everything go his/ the U.S.'s way. They also used labeling because the word see-saw is above Queen Liluokalani. It does not support my position because states should not be forced against their will to do something. They should be Independent.

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