Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Spanish-American War

This political cartoon is about the Spanish-American War. Spain's territory's are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Spain treated Cuba in a very harsh and poor manner. They treated them with poor economic resources. Once the U.S. heard about this,  they were very upset. They wanted to make Cuba part of their territory on behalf of giving them good resources and supplies. Once Spain heard that this was happening, they got very angry. Spain would not give up it's territory's so they did not sign a contract from the U.S. to let them take them. President McKinley was not very happy, so he declared war. The cartoonists techniques were labeling, WAR in the clouds, CUBA/HAVANA on the island. Symbolism was also a technique (Uncle Sam).

Roosevelt's Corollary

This political cartoon is about Roosevelt's Corollary. The Roosevelt Corollary is part of the Monroe Doctrine which made the United States the “policeman” of the Western Hemisphere. This meant that no other country was allowed to cross the Western Hemisphere. The cartoonist's message was that Roosevelt wanted to have power over all of the Western Hemisphere. The cartoonist used symbolism, as President Roosevelt as the "policeman." They also used exaggeration as all the people trying to enter the Western Hemisphere but Roosevelt is throwing them off with his "big stick." The last technique the cartoonist used was labeling. Roosevelt's "big stick" says the New Diplomacy. This does not support my position in imperialism because I think other countries should be able to enter the Western Hemisphere if they wish to.

Panama Canal

These political cartoons are about the Panama Canal. The U.S. needed an easier way to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific, visa versa. They were tired of sending troops/ships around Columbia and to their destination. They asked Columbia if they could dig a whole through Panama to get to wherever they needed to go but Columbia did not agree to what we were opposing to. We tried asking, bargaining, trading, but they still said no. Then came the Annexation of Panama. We then dug the path through Panama and ships were able to travel through. Travel time was shortened and we also scored by collecting Panama as a territory. The cartoonist used exaggeration in the image on the right because they are making it seem like something bad. Roosevelt is doing this for almost everyone. The cartoonist is also using symbolism because on the image to the left, Roosevelt is walking around with a tool, looking like the job is done. The cartoon doesn't and does support my position on imperialism because I still don't think the U.S. should annex anybody, but I also think the canal was for everybody's benefit.

Open Door Policy

This political cartoon is about the Open Door Policy. The Open Door Policy meant no one could do a monopoly in China. When China opened their doors, everybody wanted to trade with them, do sales with them, market with them. As shown in the image Uncle Sam is blocking the doors from all of the other countries (which is symbolism). The message the cartoonist was trying to make was that even though the U.S. might have a sphere of influence, that doesn't mean other countries cannot trade, etc. with China. The U.S. shouldn't be the only one. The cartoonist is using labeling because on the key Uncle Sam is holding, it says American Diplomacy. This cartoon does not support my opinion on imperialism. I think other countries should be able to trade, etc..with China. We shouldn't and can't have everything to ourselves.

Annexation of Hawaii

This political cartoon is about the Annexation of Hawaii. The reason the U.S. wanted Hawaii was to gain territory in the U.S. and to acquire more raw materials. The raw material was sugar cane. They also wanted Hawaii because of their military station. This military station was Fort Sumter. Unfortunately, Hawaii did not agree to become part of the U.S.'s territory, but we didn't like that.We forced Hawaii against their will to join us and since that day, Hawaii lost their Independence. The cartoonist's message was that states should not be forced against their will, and that they should have their own right to be Independent. The cartoonist used symbolism because Uncle Sam is making everything go his/ the U.S.'s way. They also used labeling because the word see-saw is above Queen Liluokalani. It does not support my position because states should not be forced against their will to do something. They should be Independent.

Purchase of Alaska

The political cartoons are about the Purchase of Alaska with Russia. The U.S. made a treaty with Russia. If we got Alaska, they would get money in return. The message of these political cartoons are that people thought Alaska was just a big chunk of ice and didn't have any value to it. Although that is what it seemed like, it wasn't. I think a different person would absolutely think what the people thought. Although, if they were into politics and what Alaska granted us, they would think differently. The cartoonist used irony because in the image to the left, two men are carrying an iceberg in a wheel barrow. In the image on the right, they used irony because President Andrew Johnson is talking to a polar bear. The cartoonist also used labeling because in the image to your left, on the iceberg, it says Russian America. The wheel barrow that is carrying it says treaty. On the image to you right, in the more upper back it says vote, polling place snow county, and ursus the bears candidate. These political cartoons support my position on imperialism because it adds more territory to the U.S. It also expands the U.S. in many ways.